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Meeting C++ Blogroll 158
published at 17.08.2018 11:40 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 158 - 17. August
- Arthur O'Dwyer - The `Auto` macro
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Field-testing Herb Sutter’s Modest Proposal to Fix ADL
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Fixing ADL, Round 2
- asmbits - Are we autovectorized yet?
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++17 In Detail Book!
- CLion - Working with Makefiles in CLion using Compilation DB
- CLion - CLion 2018.2.2 EAP
- Corentin - The case for Auto Non-Static Data Member Initializers
- CppCast - Sourcetrail with Eberhard Gräther
- CppCon - CppCon 2018 Poster Program Announced
- Cutelyst - Virtlyst 1.2.0 release
- Fluent C++ - Defaulted: A Helper to Work Around the Constraints of C++ Default Parameters
- Fluent C++ - Implementing Default Parameters That Depend on Other Parameters in C++
- fmt - 5.1.0
- GNSS C++ Solutions - Modern C++ in the embedded world
- isocpp - Results summary: C++ Foundation Developer Survey “Lite”, 2018-08: C++ and Cloud
- Jacob Mossberg - Run a C program barebone on an ARM Cortex M3
- Kenny Kerr - Compilers and Conformance
- Krister Walfridsson - Inlining and microbenchmarking
- Learn OpenCV - Convex Hull using OpenCV in Python and C++
- Meeting C++ Jobs - [german]Softwareentwickler C/C++ (m/w) für Vertriebsplattformen
- Meeting C++ News - TeamViewer joins as the first Platin Sponsor!
- Meeting C++ News - Flow traders returns as gold and the first coffee break sponsor
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: finally in C++
- Poco - New Project Website
- Rainer Grimm - For Free: Four Vouchers to Win
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: finally in C++
- Therocode blog - The Simplest Implementation of an Entity Component System
- vector of bool - Announcing: How to CMake Good
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Using MSVC in a Docker Container for Your C++ Projects
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++ development with Docker containers in Visual Studio Code
C++ UG Dresden YT - Pietro Incardona "OpenFPM a scalable framework for particle and mesh methods"
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 128 - C++20's Template Syntax For Lambdas
TheChernoProject - Conditional and Action Breakpoints in C++
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