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Meeting C++ Blogroll 141
published at 06.04.2018 11:12
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Blogroll No. 141 - 6. April
- Arne Mertz - Raw Pointers Are Gone!
- Arne Mertz - Raw Pointers Are Gonna Stay!
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Use-cases for `false_v`
- Arthur O'Dwyer - On lifetime extension and `decltype(auto)`
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Deprecating Raw Pointers in C++20
- Bastian Rieck - A meta-analysis of C++ projects
- botan - 2.5.0
- C++Now - Opening Keynote Announced: Lisa Lippincott on The Shape of a Program
- C++Now - Closing Keynote Announced: John Regehr on Undefined Behavior and Compiler Optimizations
- CLion - Where are we going? CLion 2018.2 roadmap
- CLion - CLion 2018.1.1 EAP
- Conan Releases - 1.2.1 (3-Apr-2018)
- CppCast - News Roundup
- CppCheck - Cppcheck-1.83
- CppCon - CppCon 2018 Call for Submissions
- CppDepend - Defensive programming with new C++ standards
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst 2.1 Released
- embedded use - QML Engine Deletes C++ Objects Still In Use
- Fluent C++ - C++ Will No Longer Have Pointers
- Fluent C++ - Getting the Benefits of Strong Typing in C++ at a Fraction of the Cost
- Herb Sutter - Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Jacksonville)
- IT Hare - Parallel Coding: From 90x Performance Loss To 2x Improvement
- Ivan Cukic - There is much more to std::for_each than meets the eye
- Jackson Dunstan - IL2CPP Output for Unsafe Code
- Jeff Amstutz - Building a C++ SIMD Abstraction (4/N) – Type Traits Are Your Friend
- KDAB - Declarative Widgets
- Kenny Kerr - C++/WinRT: Coroutines and the Calling Context
- krzaq - Proper digit separators in C++
- Marius Bancila - Parsing command line arguments in C++ with Clara
- Mathieu Ropert - Input-output arguments: reference, pointers or values?
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 140
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Engineer - Systems and Tools (C++)
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in April 2018
- Meeting C++ News - Announcing Meeting C++ 2018!
- migo::blog - CUDA Lambdas
- Modernes C++ - The Truth about "Raw Pointers Removed from C++"
- Rainer Grimm - No New New: Das Ende von Zeigern in C++
- Schneide Blog - Ten books that shaped me as a software developer – Part I (Books 0 to 4)
- Simon Brand - No more pointers
- Techie Delight - Replace each element of the array by its corresponding rank in the array
- The Deep Blue C++ - #13. Organize your code in classes
- Wt - Wt & JWt 3.3.10 and Wt 4.0.3 RC 1
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 109 - When noexcept Really Matters
SwedenCpp YT - Webassembly - run your code in the browser! by Fredrik Björeman
SwedenCpp YT - Harald Achitz: Less is more, let's build a spaceship!
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