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Meeting C++ Blogroll 138
published at 16.03.2018 11:34
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Blogroll No. 138 - 16. March
- Abseil - Tip of the Week #143: C++11 deleted functions (`= delete`)
- akrzemi blog - String’s competing constructors
- Arne Mertz - Forward Declarations to Reduce Compiletime Dependencies
- Bartek's Coding Blog - Simplify code with 'if constexpr' in C++17
- becpp - Material of the 28th of February 2018 BeCPP Meeting
- Catch - v2.2.1
- CLion - CLion 2018.1 Release Candidate
- Codeplay - Buffer Reinterpret: Viewing data from a different perspective
- CppCast - News Roundup
- CppDepend - What if the internet connection is down. Do you still productive as C++ developer?
- CppDepend - Hacking on Clang to demystify the temporary objects
- CppDepend - Don’t touch to my C++ code.
- CppDepend - Explore the design of a modern C++ library : MemCache++ case study.
- CppDepend - Some design choices boost the performance : V8 javascript engine case study.
- Fluent C++ - Heaps and Priority Queues in C++ – Part 1: Heaps Basics
- Fluent C++ - Building, Unbuilding and Sorting Heaps in C++ with the STL
- foonathan - Flexible issue management with Trello and IFTTT
- Godot Engine - Dev snapshot: Godot 2.1.5 beta 2
- Hans Klabbers - Dependency Management for C++
- IT Hare - A Usable C++ Dialect that is Safe Against Memory Corruption
- Jackson Dunstan - C++ Scripting: Part 29 – Factory Functions and New MonoBehaviours
- Kenny Kerr - C++/WinRT: Producing Async Objects
- Kenny Kerr - C++/WinRT: Coroutines and the Thread Pool
- Kenny Kerr - C++/WinRT: Understanding Weak References and the Dispose Pattern
- Learn OpenCV - Image Alignment (Feature Based) using OpenCV (C++/Python)
- Legalize Adulthood - C++ Rename Shootout: Visual Studio 2017 vs. ReSharper for C++
- Marius Bancila - Using the curl library from C++ on Windows
- Meeting C++ Jobs - [german] C++ Entwickler für den Bereich Automotive/Infotainment
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Senior 3D Programmer
- Meeting C++ Jobs - Software Engineer
- Meeting C++ News - An update for C++ User Groups
- migo::blog - CUDA++ Indexing
- Modern JSON - JSON for Modern C++ version 3.1.2
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: More about Control Structures
- Murray's Blog - libsigc++ has moved to GitHub
- Qt Blog - Qt Contributors’ Summit 2018
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.5.2 released
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.6 RC released
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: More about Control Structures
- Riot Games - Profiling: Optimisation
- Simon Brand - emBO++ 2018 Trip Report
- Techie Delight - Print all Triplets in an array with sum less than or equal to given number
- This Thread - Boost ASIO Strand example
- Visual C++ Team Blog - ClangFormat Support in Visual Studio 2017
- Visual C++ Team Blog - C++ Code Analysis Improvements for Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Preview 1
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Linux C++ Workload improvements to the Project System, Linux Console Window, rsync and Attach to Process
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Build Time Improvement Recommendation: Turn off /MAP, use PDBs
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