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Meeting C++ Blogroll 128
published at 05.01.2018 11:29
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Blogroll No. 128 - 5. January
- Arne Mertz - Code Reviews – Preparation (Part 3)
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++ Status at the end of 2017
- Bits of Bytes - GUI unit testing with Qt Test – part 1 – introduction
- Conan Releases - 1.0.0-beta4 (4-January-2018)
- CppCast - Boost Application Development with Antony Polukhin
- Cutelyst - Cutelyst 1.12.0 released
- Dlib Blog - A Global Optimization Algorithm Worth Using
- Fluent C++ - 7 Good Resolutions to Write Better Code This Year
- Fluent C++ - Making Strong Types Implicitly Convertible
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 127
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in January 2018
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: Rules for Expressions and Statements
- Ogre3d - Ogre 1.10 final release
- Qt Blog - Push Messaging for embedded solutions
- Qt Blog - Qt Cloud Messaging API Available for Embedded Systems
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: Regeln für Ausdrücke und Anweisungen
- Stoyan Nikolov - Generic memory allocator for C++ (part 2)
- Techie Delight - Partition an array into two sub-arrays with the same sum
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Visual Studio 2017 Throughput Improvements and Advice
Jason Turner YT - C++ Weekly - Ep 96 - Transparent Lambda Comparators
Meeting C++ YT - Fastbuild - Arvid Gerstmann - Lightningtalks Meeting C++ 2017
Meeting C++ YT - Structured Bindings demystified - Marc Mutz - Lightning Talks Meeting C++ 2017
Meeting C++ YT - std::optional and the m word - Simon Brand - Meeting C++ 2017
Meeting C++ YT - Is this available? - Miro Knejp - Lightning Talks Meeting C++ 2017
Meeting C++ YT - std::launder - Réka Kovács - Lightning Talks Meeting C++ 2017
Meeting C++ YT - The case for Vendored Builds - Arvid Gerstmann - Lightning Talks Meeting C++ 2017
Meeting C++ YT - Type punning done right - Andreas Weis - Lightning Talks Meeting C++ 2017
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