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Meeting C++ Blogroll 115
published at 08.09.2017 11:30
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Blogroll No. 115 - 8. September
- akrzemi blog - Using error codes effectively
- Barry Revzin - Value Categories in C++17
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++17 in details: Standard Library Utilities
- boost - Version 1.65.1
- CLion - CLion starts 2017.3 EAP
- CppCast - DebugView++ with Jan Wilmans
- CppCon - Plenary Announced: Lars Knoll
- CppCon - Plenary Announced: Matt Godbolt
- Embedded Artistry - Debugging: 9 Indispensable Rules
- embedded use - My Talk “Qt vs. Web – Total Cost of Ownership” at Qt World Summit 2017
- Fluent C++ - Changing deleters during the life of a unique_ptr
- Fluent C++ - Polymorphic clones in modern C++
- Herb Sutter - C++17 is formally approved
- Krister Walfridsson - Why undefined behavior may call a never-called function
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group Meetings in September 2017
- Modernes C++ - C++ Core Guidelines: Destructor Rules
- Modernes C++ - The new pdf bundle is ready: C++17
- Molecular Musings - C++ programming tips
- Nick Desaulniers - GCC vs LLVM Q3 2017: Active Developer Counts
- Ogre3d - Ogre 1.10 Mid-Term Report
- Qt Blog - QtLocation 5.9
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.4.0 released
- Qt Blog - Qbs 1.9 released
- Rainer Grimm - C++ Core Guidelines: Destruktoren
- Rainer Grimm - Das neue pdf-Päckchen ist fertig: Embedded: Hohe Sicherheitsanforderungen
- Simon Brand - Learning C++
- Stellar Group - GSoC 2017 Results: Success!
- Techie Delight - Swap Adjacent Bits of a Number
- - Unary Operator Overloading in C++ using both member & Friend function
- - Overloading Postfix / Prefix ( ++ , –) Increment and Decrements Operators in C++
- Video Cortex - The main() Course
- Viktor Kirilov - Simple C++ reflection with CMake
- Wt - Wt 4.0.0 RC 3
MUCplusplus YT - Roland Bock - "Template Magic For Beginners"
TheChernoProject - Implicit Conversion and the Explicit Keyword in C++
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