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Meetiing C++ Blogroll 181
published at 08.03.2019 09:55 by Jens Weller
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Blogroll No. 181 - 8. March
- AndWass C++ - A basic scheduler
- Arthur O'Dwyer - Four versions of Eric’s Famous Pythagorean Triples Code
- Arthur O'Dwyer - PSA: `shared_ptr()` is not `make_shared()`
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++17 In Detail is 100% Ready!
- Bartek's Coding Blog - C++ Links #21
- CLion - CLion 2019.1 EAP: memory view and header guards style
- CLion - Webinar Recording: Remote Development with CLion
- Conan Releases - 1.13.0 (07-Mar-2019)
- - Serialiazing your data with Protobuf
- CppCast - RxCpp and Executors with Kirk Shoop
- CppCon - New Venue Report
- Fluent C++ - for_each_arg: Applying a Function to Each Argument of a Function in C++
- Fluent C++ - STL Algorithms on Tuples
- Hatcat - Telescopes and matrices and audio: Kona trip report
- Learn OpenCV - Xeus-Cling: Run C++ code in Jupyter Notebook
- Martin Vorbrodt - Parallel STL
- Meeting C++ Blogroll - Meeting C++ Blogroll 180
- Meeting C++ News - C++ User Group meetings in March 2019
- Modernes C++ - Types-, Non-Types, and Templates as Template Parameters
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.9 Beta2 released
- Qt Blog - Using Docker to test Qt for WebAssembly
- Qt Blog - The future of documentation
- Qt Blog - Qt Creator 4.8.2 released
- Rainer Grimm - Typen, Nichttypen und Templates als Template-Parameter
- vector of bool - Are C++ Modules Dead-on-Arrival?
- Visual C++ Team Blog - Making C++ Exception Handling Smaller On x64
Meeting C++ YT - map[Code, Performance] myMCU{?} - Daniel Penning
Meeting C++ YT - [medium noise filtered]We stopped teaching C - Wouter van Ooijen & Jorn Bunk
Meeting C++ YT - The core C++ guidelines for safer Code - Rainer Grimm
Meeting C++ YT - Writing better embedded Software - Dan Saks - Keynote Meeting Embedded 2018
SwedenCpp YT - Mathieu Ropert: The State of Package Management in C++
TheChernoProject - ImGui Docking and Viewports | Game Engine series
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