An Introduction to WebGPU and C++ (Native and Web)

Speaker: Michael Shah

Audience level: [ Beginner ]

The C++ Standard Library does not yet have an '#include <graphics>' library, so instead we rely on vendors to provide APIs for hardware accelerated graphics. When it comes to graphics programming, there exist many low level APIs available including: DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan, and Metal. However, there's a new API -- WebGPU that supports both native and web targets and can run nearly anywhere! In this talk, I will provide an introduction to using the WebGPU API in C++. In this talk we'll provide some background so that you can understand the graphics programming basics, and then we'll show you how to render a simple 3D triangle on both native and web targets. Throughout the talk, we'll also provide suggestions how how to leverage C++ to build your own mini-graphics framework. The audience will leave this talk able to continue their graphics programming journey with WebGPU and C++.