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AMA with Hana Dusíková

Speaker: Hana Dusíková

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

A conversation with Hana Dusíková about C++.

AMA with Bjarne Stroustrup

Speaker: Bjarne Stroustrup

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

A conversation with Bjarne Stroustrup about C++.

AMA with Gaby Dos Reis

Speaker: Gabriel Dos Reis

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

A conversation about C++ with Gaby Dos Reis.

Meeting C++ Update

Speaker: Jens Weller

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

What Meeting C++ did in 2021 and plans for the coming year!

AMA with Sean Parent

Speaker: Sean Parent

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

A conversation about C++ with Sean Parent: Sean has been developing primarily in C++ since 1992 and has worked at Apple, Google, and Adobe. Sean is one of the early Photoshop developers and started the Photoshop for iPad project. He ran Adobe's Software Technology Lab as a colleague of Alex Stepanov (the creator of STL). He co-authored the language appendix for the book Elements of Programming with Bjarne Stroustrup. He's currently re-starting STLab with David Abrahams. Ask him anything!


AMA with Daniela Engert

Speaker: Daniela Engert

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

A conversation about C++ with Daniela Engert.

AMA with Kevlin Henney

Speaker: Kevlin Henney

Audience level: Beginner | Intermediate | Advanced

A conversation about C++ with Kevlin Henney.