Trainings Details
The five-day C++ training course is an introduction to the C++ programming language, the C++ Standard Library, and modern C++11 to C++17 standards. The training is offered online. The course is intended for individuals and teams who wish to learn the C++ programming language.
Slobodan Dmitrovic
Trainings Agenda
Day 1
- Introduction
- Compilers
- Types
- Declaration, Definition, and Initialization
- Operators, Operands, Expressions
- Standard Input
- Arrays
- Pointers
- References
- Strings
- Automatic Type Deduction
- Built-in Statements
- Constants
- Functions
- Scope and Lifetime
- Q&A and Exercises
Day 2
- Classes:
- Data Member Fields
- Member Functions
- Access Specifiers
- Constructors
- Default Constructor
- Member Initialization
- Copy Constructor
- Copy Assignment
- Move Constructor
- Move Assignment
- Operator Overloading
- Destructors
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Templates
- Enumerations
- Code Organization:
- Header and Source Files
- Header Guards
- Namespaces
- Q&A and Exercises
Day 3
- Conversions
- Exceptions
- I/O Streams
- C++ Standard Library:
- Containers:
- std::vector
- std::array
- std::set
- std::map
- std::pair
- Other Containers
- The Range-Based for Loop
- Iterators
- Algorithms and Utilities:
- std::sort
- std::find
- std::copy
- Min and Max Elements
- Other Functions
- Lambda Expressions
- Q&A and Exercises
Day 4
- C++11 Standard:
- Automatic Type Deduction
- Range-based Loops
- Initializer Lists
- Move Semantics
- Lambda Expressions
- The constexpr Specifier
- Scoped Enumerators
- Smart Pointers
- std::tuple
- static_assert
- Introduction to Concurrency
- Deleted and Defaulted Functions
- Type Aliases
- C++14 Standard:
- Binary Literals
- Digits Separators
- Auto for Functions
- Generic Lambdas
- std::make_unique
- C++17 Standard:
- Nested Namespaces
- Constexpr Lambdas
- Structured Bindings
- std::filesystem
- std::string_view
- std::any
- std::variant
- Q&A and Exercises
Day 5
- Project
- Q&A and Code Review