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Boguslaw Cyganek
Pipeline architectures in C++: overloaded pipe operator |, std::expected and its monadic operations
Books by Boguslaw Cyganek
Boguslaw Cyganek is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Electronics, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland. He has worked as a software engineer for a number of companies such as Nisus Writer USA, Compression Techniques USA, Manta Corp. USA, Visual Atoms UK, Wroclaw University in Poland, and Diagnostyka Inc. Poland. His research interests include computer vision and pattern recognition, as well as the development of embedded systems. His teaching interests include computer vision, operating systems and software development in C++. His classes on C++ programming were attended by hundreds of students, some of them currently working as software engineers in various worldwide companies. He has published over a hundred scientific papers, and he has been a presenter at many conferences. Prof. Boguslaw Cyganek is also the author of “Object Detection and Recognition in Digital Images: Theory and Practice” published by Wiley in 2013, as well as “Introduction to Programming with C++ for Engineers”, published by Wiley in 2021. Boguslaw was a speaker to many C++ conferfences, such as Meeting C++ in Germany and C++ on Sea in UK.