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Meeting C++ 2024 - Calling Functions: A Tutorial

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Books by Klaus Iglberger

C++ Software Design: Design Principles and Patterns for High-Quality Software

Klaus Iglberger

On Day 3 at in Track A (Saphir Room)

How is a function call resolved? How does the compiler find the right function and how does the compiler choose from a set of available functions? This talk will give an overview of the individual steps taken during the resolution of a function call. It will primarily focus on the different kinds of name lookup, argument deduction, and on overload resolution. Attendees will gain insight into the mechanics of (un-)qualified lookup, argument dependent lookup, two-phase lookup, name hiding, SFINAE, (viable) candiate functions, and ambiguous function calls. They will leave the talk with a much better understanding of the (sometimes surprising) details of function calls.

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