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Meeting C++ 2024 - Program with GUTs

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Program with GUTs

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Books by Kevlin Henney

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

Kevlin Henney

On Day 3 at 15:10 (CET/Berlin) in Track A [Saphir Room and online]

One of the greatest shifts in modern programming practices has been how programmers across many different domains and languages have embraced unit testing. For the C++ programmer, however, a lot of what has been said and done in the unit testing space, from test-driven development to unit-testing frameworks, has left them behind the rest of the field. Most of the blogs and talks and advice out there is targeted at languages that are dynamic or garbage collected or whose runtime behaviour does not have the 'here be dragons' territories of undefined behaviour.

This session looks at good unit tests (GUTs) and test-driven development (TDD) from the perspective of C++. This talk focuses on the mindset and the practices that support other desirable qualities, such as dependency management, pluggable behaviour and immutability.

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