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Meeting C++ 2024 - Clean CMake for C++ (library) developers

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Clean CMake for C++ (library) developers

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Kerstin Keller

On Day 3 at 9:00 (CET/Berlin) in Track C [Jade Room and online]

Slides: Clean CMake for C++ (library) developers

If you are maintaining a C++ library, there is very little way to get around using CMake, as it's the de-facto standard (meta) build system for cross-platform development.
Writing good CMake build files for libraries makes all the differences, if a library integration goes smoothly or ends up being a huge hassle for the user of the library.
While integrating numerous (>100) open source libraries for inhouse usage, I have seen and learned alot about how (and how not) to write good CMake Code. 
In this talk, we will touch upon some fundamental concepts, that result in clean CMake code, useful for any developer using CMake.

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