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Michael Shah
On Day 1 at 13:15 in Track D online
The C++ Standard Library does not yet have an '#include graphics library', so instead we rely on vendors to provide APIs for hardware accelerated graphics. When it comes to graphics programming, there exist many low level APIs available including: DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal (and even webGPU). However, getting started with these new graphics APIs can be difficult. Vulkan which has been around for several years now, provides a low-level C-based API for native targets in order to maximize performance. In this talk, I will provide an introduction to using the Vulkan API and the C++ abstractions to manage some of Vulkans complexity. In this talk we'll provide some background so that you can understand the graphics programming basics, and then we'll show you how to render a simple 3D triangle on native targets using Vulkan. Audience memberse will leave this talk understanding how to leverage C++ to build your own mini-graphics framework in Vulkan and with resources to continue their journey.
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