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Meeting C++ 2024 - What is a static function, but isn't a static function?

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What is a static function, but isn't a static function?

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Miloš Anđelković

On Day 2 at 14:30 in Track D online

Disclaimer: excessive use of the word fun
Have you ever wondered how much fun() you can have using C++? What exactly is fun and how it works behind the scenes? What types of fun there are?
While this is a broad topic that would take more than one conferene talk to cover, here we will try to answer some of those questions, starting with the plain old fun and then moving into, perhaps more interesting, member fun.
We will cover some parts of overloading and overload resolution, how they are called and what pointers to member functions look like and what they are good for.
Finally we will try to answer what is a static fun but isn't static fun, and why it is the way it is.

This talk is intended to be very much beginner friendly.

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