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Andreas Fertig
On Day 3 at 10:20 in Track A (Saphir Room)
C++ is well known to be used, especially when efficiency matters and you want complete control of the resulting binary.
In this talk, you will learn about tricks the Standard Template Library uses to keep data storage size small. Are you familiar with Small String Optimization? Brace yourself for uncovering yet another ingenious strategy that might surprise you.
Everybody, including me, tells you how great `constexpr` is, but do you truly believe its potential? Embark on a journey with me as we delve into a compelling example demonstrating the transformative impact of constexpr, which enhances runtime performance while reducing memory overhead.
Furthermore, I'll unveil C++ Insights' capabilities and demonstrate how it can assist your approach to designing class data member layouts, ultimately optimizing the size of your data types.
Are you leveraging uniform initialization for your data types? Let's delve into the implications, especially when initialization necessitates a std::initializer_list. C++23 has an interesting change that might help you.
I am confident that this session will equip you with invaluable insights and practical techniques that can be readily applied to improve your codebase.
P.S: You miss lambdas from the description? Well, I promise I will show you a C++23 improvement to lambdas.
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