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Nevin Liber

The Many Variants of std::variant

Nevin Liber is a Computer Scientist in the ALCF (Argonne Leadership Computing Facility) division of the Argonne National Laboratory in the US, where he works on Kokkos (C++ performance portability ecosystem), SYCL (abstraction for heterogeneous device programming) and Aurora (one of the world's first exascale supercomputers). He also represents Argonne on the C++ and SYCL Committees as various chairs.

Back when he started out working at Bell Labs over three decades ago, a friend of his called and asked “What do you know about C++? You folks invented it!” That was enough to get a relatively shy junior engineer to go find the local expert so he could go play with it, and the rest is history! He has worked in C++ across various industries and platforms (big data, low-latency, operating systems, embedded, telephony and now exascale computing, just to name a few).

In 2010 he went to his first C++ Committee meeting, got bit by the standardization bug, and has been a committee member ever since.  Excited by it, he convinced his employer at the time to host both the C++ and C standards meetings in Chicago in 2013.  Since joining Argonne, he has expanded this role by becoming the Admin Chair, Vice Chair for LEWGI/SG18 (Library Evolution Working Group Incubator), and the Vice Chair of the US Delegation.  On the SYCL Committee he is also the SYCL C++ Compatibility Task Sub Group Chair.

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