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Bryce Adelstein Lelbach
The C++ Execution Model
Bryce Adelstein Lelbach has spent over a decade developing programming languages and software libraries. He is a Principal Architect at NVIDIA, where he leads programming language standardization efforts and drives the technical roadmap for NVIDIA's HPC and Quantum compilers and libraries. Bryce is passionate about C++ and is one of the leaders of the C++ community. He is the chair of INCITS/PL22, the US standards committee for programming languages and the Standard C++ Library Evolution group. He also serves as editor for the INCITS Inclusive Terminology Guidelines. Bryce served as the program chair for the C++Now and CppCon conferences for many years. On the C++ Committee, he has personally worked on concurrency primitives, parallel algorithms, executors, and multidimensional arrays. He is one of the founding developers of the HPX parallel runtime system.