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The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition)

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The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition)

An exhaustive description of the C++ Programming language, its standard library, and fundamental techniques for experienced programmers (based on C++11). Available here:

  • The Preface
  • Extended Table of Contents. Not in printed version. I didn't think it was worth an extra 1000 lines. Each chapter starts with its own table of contents.
  • Exercises. Not in printed version. I did not want to add another 80 pages to the book and I want to be able to add and change exercises over the years. The collection of exercises should be complete (if minimal) ASAP.
  • Concept code. I have so far failed to get my ``taylor made'' and stable version ready for posting, but see Andrew Sutton's Origin library on which the book's concepts are based.

If you are looking for a shorter and less complete introduction to C++, consider: Bjarne Stroustrup: A Tour of C++ (second edition). Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-13-499783-4. 2018. The ``tour'' is a quick (about 240 pages) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ at a moderately high level for people who already know C++ or at least are experienced programmers.

If you are looking for an an introduction to programming for people who has never programmed before, consider Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++. That book is also be useful for people who have programmed a bit and want to improve their style and technique - or to simply learn modern C++. It is designed for classroom use, but written with an eye on self study.

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