Reminder: Late tickets soon

published at 27.09.2016 15:42 by Jens Weller
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We're running out of space at Meeting C++ this year again it seems. The late tickets are going to be in effect by October 1st, as planned. But it might be that the conference is at least temporarily sold out.

I returned from CppCon on Sunday, and it looks like that less 100 tickets are left to sell. About 50% of these tickets are options for sponsors, which they might or might not do. Every sponsor has the option to buy up to 5 Tickets for the conference. Some already have used this, others haven't or only partly. So, all in all I think its about 40 tickets left, which aren't in reserve or otherwise used. These might sell until Friday even, after this the waiting list will open again.

Also, those who order by invoice previous to friday, have the Normal Ticket Price guaranteed. More details on this on Friday or next Monday.

Also, there is still a Limited Room Contingent available!

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