Meeting C++ 2017 voting results

published at 03.07.2017 15:09 by Jens Weller
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Time for a short overview on this years voting for the program of Meeting C++ 2017! Its been awesome to see 206 ppl vote on the 97 submitted talks, a great program is taking shape. This is the voting average graph for 2017:


The graph goes from 1.85 to -0.64, the average is reached by weighing the votes of 0-5 as {-3,-2,-1,1,3,4}. This gives well rated/popular talks a bit of an edge, as I'd like to have these at the top to form the popular track. With having 11 slots per track, the Top 11 talks are usually accepted, with most of these talks going to the popular track. Top 11 Talks this year are:

And there is a selection of 22 more talks which also get accepted. I hope to give an update on this next week.

Reaching out

Part of this years call for talks was an effort to reach out to other communities and motivate folks in general to try to submit a talk to Meeting C++. This was a success, there is a dedicated track for new speakers, and a few even are in the other tracks. Also this improved speaker and topic diversity. As for the voting, most can only see title, outline and description of the talk, only the staff and past speakers see the names and bios of presenters. Yet the diversity in submitted topics has given this years conference a much better range of topics to choose from, which will be reflected in the program.

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