Statistics: September

published at 01.10.2012 15:38 by Jens Weller
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I thought this would be a short one, nothing much to tell. Boy was I wrong. In September, the 2nd half brought a lot of traffic to the side, and within one day, there was almost 1/3 of total traffic ever. So, this is the traffic chart for September:


So, there is a little peak at the 24th, but also before the traffic is picking up unusually. The above average traffic came (and still comes) from and, our 2 new Community Sponsors. Which both have put up a small Banner-Ad on their side for us. But was is this peak? The Sunday before I wrote a news entry, writing down some thoughts about the C++ Community: "Islands of C++". On Tuesday morning this was then in the Newsletter. Piwik counted 2803 hits the same day, but as Piwik does not see every visitor, there were a little more. Today, the counter for the newsentry at Code Project has > 4.5k viewers.

Ofcourse this is great news for us, having such an international exposure for the event! But yet there is little to no inpact in the sales or overall traffic. Most people also did not return, so this spike might stay as a single event. But it was interesting to see, how much international visitors such a newsletter can attract, And with only arround 30 tickets left in total, I don't have to sell out in one day :)

Also with 165 Followers on Twitter and our new Facebook page we hope to reach more People for C++ and our conference.

The increased international traffic also brought some changes to the browser chart:


As in August already mentioned, Chrome has now become the dominant browser, followed by Firefox. Also in September the Internet Explorer had a significant growth, and is now in 3rd place. Safari is not as strong as it used to be, but still is ahead of Opera.

Last time I also did write a little bit about the attendees statistics, there has not changed a lot, except that we have now 18 attendees from belgium. And we can welcome the first attendee from Great Britian. Still, there is no attendee from another continent.

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