Statistics: January

published at 03.02.2013 13:43 by Jens Weller
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January was a busy month, we almost received 3k hits on the site. January brought also some changes, as there is now a newsletter, a blog, a job section and other new stuff on the website.

So, lets start with the visitor graph:


So, there are 3 Spikes, as you can see. The Year started quite slow, not a lot of traffic in the first days. The first spike is for my news/blog entry C++ in 2013, which brought some traffic to the site. The big 2nd Spike is this text beeing translated to russian an posted at habrahabr, a russion IT Blog. This is because in my blogpost I had a link to my other post "Islands of C++", which the translator did not remove, so thanks for that traffic! The third spike is reddit. I received in january the slides from Michael Wong, so finally I could post that the you could download the keynote slides, to see for yourself. So, someone postet this link on reddit, and that gave a lot of traffic that week.

To have so much traffic in January was a bit suprising, as I did plan to do some work and changes to the website, which is not yet totally finished, but I finally could add the blog, job section and newsletter. Still a lot of polishing to do. But back to the numbers, talking so much about sites linking to Meeting C++, thats worth a graph too:


So, twitter brings a lot of traffic, and we had also a lot of growth in followers in January there. But thats not very suprising, as I am very active there, and do post a lot of links. As already mentioned, a lot of our visitors in January came from Russia, some from reddit. G+ was someone linking to a talk, and is also related to posting C++ in 2013, a lot of taiwanese traffic came from plurk so. And as you can see there is a lot of others.

What is also interesting is, that now Chrome is the dominating browser, its close to 50% of all traffic:


Safari and Opera are quite strong in January, and Firefox is still almost 25%.

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