OpenMP joins as a silver sponsor!

published at 03.09.2015 15:39 by Jens Weller
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I have the honor to announce that OpenMP joins the Meeting C++ conference as a silver sponsor!


OpenMP is a well known standard to do parallelism in C, C++ and Fortran. With the new version 4.0, OpenMP becomes a lot more useful, OpenMP 4.0 is a mass market solution for modern parallelism in you application. OpenMP 4.0 adds Device constructs, SIMD support, Task groups and dependencies and many other features to the available parallelism toolkit. For the upcoming 4.1 version the 3 core features according to Michael Wong are:

In spring at the Library Group Working Meeting in Cologne, Michael Wong told me about the plans and changes that were coming up in OpenMP 4.x and that they actually have now their own OpenMP Users Convention, which this year is in Aachen. Also, Michael Wong is part of this year Parallelism Workshop at Meeting C++!

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