Meeting C++ at CppCon

published at 30.08.2014 14:10 by Jens Weller
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Next week on Thursday I'll be flying to Seattle to attend CppCon. I'm looking forward to meet again with so many C++ programmers for several days and listen to many interesting talks.

I'm looking forward to so many people I know from Meeting C++ or C++Now again in Seattle, and to meet a lot of new people. Choosing the right talks will be hard, as CppCon offers 6 tracks in its program. The whole week then will be filled with C++ content, I'm looking forward to Bjarnes Keynote, and maybe also to meet him and other C++ Titans in person. If you cannot attend CppCon in person, all sessions will be recorded professionally, so you can see them later. Also worth mentioning is, that Meeting C++ is a Community sponsor of CppCon!

I will also give two talks my self: I already spoke at Meeting C++ 2012 and C++Now 2013 about founding user groups, and also did wrote a blog entry last year about it. Since my own C++ User Group became active in late 2011, there have been many more founded in Europe and the US. So I decided I should also talk about C++ Community Work at CppCon, and as Jon Kalb already joined me for this topic at C++Now 2013, we decided to give speak again together on this topic.

One topic I've been thinking about since last year is also the mechanics of bad code. Not bad code it self, but what are the patterns in our world that promote its creation. I've been to many places where C++ is written, first employed at vodafone, then several years in lots of companies as a freelancer, and then also later as a trainer for C++. I've seen so many different code bases, different in quality and style, met so many other programmers, that the question occurred to my, why is there so much bad code? How can it exist, and survive, when I usually me at least a few good C++ fellows at each place. So I will present my thoughts about this in my talk 0xBADC0DE.

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